Sunday, January 22, 2012

Celebrating 90 Years of Life, Chinese Style

Day 2 of my long weekend was spent celebrating my Lola's 90th birthday. 

It was a party we planned for over a month. Everyone had to come home to Quezon to celebrate. Papa got home just in time to attend the party. Mama, Papa, Ate and I left Manila around two o'clock in the afternoon after having lunch at Max's - Papa's favorite restaurant. We were on the road for more than three hours, with just one stopover for coffee.

When we got to Lola's house, almost everyone was already there. We quickly changed into our red and yellow shirts. The grandchildren had to wear red, while the children had to wear yellow. Very Chinese New Year lang ang peg, right? Ate Pam, the pasimuno, thought it was lucky to wear red and yellow. Salubong na rin daw kasi sa Chinese New Year.

After the Mass, syempre kainan na
It was a simple gathering. After dinner, we had a small audio-visual presentation. Then, all the anaks and all the apos were asked to deliver their birthday greetings. Photo ops followed shortly thereafter. We ended the night with drinks and videoke. :)

At 90, my Lola still looks strong, no?

The birthday celebrant with her children and their spouses

To date, my Lola has 22 apos and nine apos sa tuhod   :)

Happy birthday, dear Lola! We look forward to celebrating more birthdays with you! :*

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