Friday, December 7, 2012

Group Shot

Hello again, guys! 17 days to go before Christmas, but I haven't caught the holiday bug yet. Except for the worsening traffic, I still can't feel that Christmas is just around the corner. We've had Christmas parties in school already, but, so far, they haven't done the trick. Maybe one of these days, someone will spread the holiday cheer, and hopefully, I'll get infected.

Speaking of parties, my law school friends/classmates and I had a mini-Christmas dinner last Wednesday. We were supposed to hold it during class with the intention of preventing our professor from giving a much-delayed  recitation. Sneaky kids, huh? Haha. Fortunately, she had another appointment so she had to cancel her class and we were left to enjoy the food we prepared.

After dinner, we got word that a dinner party was being held at the school gym in honor of the newly appointed Cardinal, His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle.  And that the Cardinal was eagerly accepting requests to have his photo taken. At first we were too shy to go to the gym, so only a few of my classmates went for it. When they came back and showed us their pictures, we instantly got jealous, causing us to trek to the gym in no time.

We found Cardinal Tagle surrounded by so many nuns and priests, well wishers and students trying to get a picture with him. They asked us to fall in line and wait for out turn. Cardinal Tagle was all smiles during the photo op. He was very charming and accommodating.

Unfortunately, when it was already our turn, Cardinal Tagle stood up and said that he had no more time for individual pictures. He apologized, saying that he had to officiate mass the following day at six o'clock in the morning, and so he had to leave already. However, he took pity on us and said that he can pose for one group shot.

With some of my friends in law school and His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle.
Photo Credit: Kristel Bianca Fernandez 

It felt surreal, seeing a newly-appointed Cardinal, kissing his hand, and even being in the same photo with him. It was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and I'm really glad we took it. Cardinal Tagle is the second youngest Cardinal, and one day, might even be the leader of the Catholic Church. When that day comes, I'll be the proudest person to have an old picture with the Pope.

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