Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dine In: Vanilla Cupcake Bakery

When I read on Facebook that a new cupcake stall has recently opened in TriNoma, I dragged my perennial  food buddy to the mall so we could be one of the first to try out these babies. I'm a fan of anything sweet, so I wouldn't let a chance like this just pass. But of course, before attacking, I went online to search for reviews about the Vanilla Cupcake Bakery. I learned from professional bloggers that its main branch is located at Glorietta in Makati. That branch is actually more spacious, and I think, cozier. The one in Trinoma's just bigger than your ordinary stall. The blogs also mentioned that the Glorietta branch is always packed with people, and that it's close to impossible to get a seat inside. That's why we were a bit surprised to find that the TriNoma branch was almost devoid of people.

Ate and I found a space in the corner. You know how people try to beat others to the fluffiest seat available? That's what we did, even though there were no other customers around. Haha. But even if, say, we didn't get the stuffed chairs and cushions, the other seats weren't bad at all. The store has dainty ghost chairs and wooden tables with little cupcake candles as centerpieces. Lovely, right?

Surprisngly, we were handed a menu by one of the waitresses. I mean, a menu in a cupcake place? I thought, when in a cupcake store, you just approach the counter, point to your choice, and then pay for your purchases. Well, it turns out that in the VCB, they serve not just cupcakes, but pastas, salads, sandwiches, and hot/cold beverages, as well.

Since we were already full from dinner, we decided to get a cupcake each and share a class of Iced Mocha. It was a tough choice given the wide selection of cupcakes. I got the Luscious Salted Caramel and Ate got the Chocolate Cream Pie.

The cupcakes were both sweet, and I mean really sweet. We had to drink water after every bite, and I think we gulped down an entire bottle. They were good, but I didn't expect them to have that much sugar. I was able to eat half of mine; the other half, I was able to finish off by removing the icing on top. Ate did the same to her cupcake. Maybe next time, we'll go for more subtle flavors.

Ate liked the Iced Mocha, but I found it a bit bitter. And I kept on wondering why it was a little hot when it was supposed to be iced. Very confusing.

Overall, I'd give the VCB 4 stars out of five 'cause I liked the place and the ambiance. I've tasted better cupcakes, but this one isn't far behind.

In 2010, I became obsessed with yogurt. Last year, with milk tea. This year, with cupcakes. I wonder what'll tickle my fancy next year? :)

Visit the Vanilla Cupcake Bakery at the 2nd Level, Trinoma (near Charles and Keith).

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