Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Nostalgia: Video Games

Everyone who reads my blog is probably aware that, for the time being, I'm back to being an undergraduate student in the University of the Philippines - Diliman. And because I lack six units of Filipino, I'm currently taking Panitikan ng Pilipinas 12 under Prof. Vladimeir Gonzales. I have to say that his class is one of the best I've had. I actually hate myself for not enrolling in his class when I was still in college. 

Anyway, we talked about video games earlier today. Video games as literature, to be exact. Surprisingly, his examples included those video games I used to play when I was still a kid. I remember fighting with my younger brother over the joysticks and whose turn it was to play with our Family Computer. Mind you, it was brand new then. *At this point, please stop guessing my age. Haha.*

When I got home this afternoon, I hit Youtube and took screen caps of the video games. Here are a few of those I used to enjoy as a kid:

1. Galaga

I can't remember the exact objective of this game. All I know is that you're supposed to keep firing at those colorful little spaceships. They look more like butterflies to me. My older sister was a pro at this game. Hi Ate! Haha.

2. Hudson's Adventure Island

I was all smiles when I saw this game on my professor's list. Can you believe how cute Hudson is?! And to be honest, I didn't know his name was Hudson until this morning. Again, I can't remember the end goal of this game. This is what I remember: Hudson throws axes on his opponents which include snails and snakes, and he grabs fruits to keep his energy up.

3. Ice Climber

The bida in this game is the cutest! See that Eskimo right there? Di ba, she's so cute?! As the player, you're supposed to make her hit the ice cubes with her little "hammer" and help her jump until she reaches the top of that ice mountain. Before you reach the top, however, there's a bonus stage where you can collect as many eggplants as you can. Yes, you read that right. EGGPLANTS. I agree with my professor who thinks it's senseless to put eggplants on ice mountains.  E ano ba, walang basagan ng trip.

4. The Legend of Kage

This one's a ninja game. Yep, that guy on the lower right picture is a ninja. And he's supposed to save that princess on the upper right picture. This game has old school graphics, like 90s old. But you'll actually enjoy it because of the catchy sound effects, which I can't play here 'cause I don't know how to. Haha. Trust me, this one's an addicting game. Ask my Ate. Again, she's the pro here.

5. Popeye

Who here isn't familiar with Popeye? Who?! Popeye is a popular 80s or 90s figure. He's in love with Olive Oyl and is enemies with Bluto. (I have a confession to make: All this time, I thought his name was Brutus. So shoot me. Haha.) From where she stands, or walks, Olive throws hearts which Popeye has to catch while trying to avoid Bluto. He gets help from the spinach on the side and that pail of water under the platform where Olive is. 

Okay, you can stop guessing now. Yes, I am a 90s kid. 90s kid and proud! Haha. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT a pro in the video games department. In fact, I do a little banana dance whenever I go up another level. And I don't remember finishing any of these games. My siblings were the pros. I was the salimpusa.

Kids these days have PSPs and iPads to play with. But I don't envy them 'cause this blog's proof that the video games of our generation rock!   

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