Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bookworm: The Confession

I am a self-confessed bookworm. Nancy Drew was my first favorite. I think I read all the Carolyn Keene books in the library when I was just 12 years old. I have to admit, Nancy Drew was my favorite crime-fighting heroine and my first inspiration to be a lawyer. O di ba, bagets pa lang, gusto nang maging abogado dahil lang kay Nancy Drew. Haha.

When there was no more Keene book to read, I switched to thicker paperbacks and fell in love with Erica Spindler, Dan Brown, Heather Graham, James Patterson, and the like. It's not hard to guess that I enjoy psychological thrillers and suspense/mystery. Don't get me wrong. I also read romance novels (depending on the story, of course) and I've read all Twilight books.

Papa tried to talk me into reading John Grisham when I was in high school. But at 14 years old, all those legal terms were still lost on me. I tried reading The Firm then, but I couldn't understand most of the words so I just gave up on it. Fast forward to nine years later: I decided to give Grisham another try. I started to read The Confession seven months ago, and I only finished reading it last week.  In all fairness to Grisham, it's a really good read. I was just too busy with school that it took me that long to finish the book. Here's what I have to say about The Confession:

Note: There might be spoilers :)

The Confession is a story of a wrongfully accused man about to be executed for allegedly abducting, raping and murdering a high school cheerleader nine years ago. The real killer decides to show up and own up to his mistakes four days before the execution. Question is: will he make it in time to stop the execution and will they believe his confession?

For a more comprehensive summary of the book, click HERE.

The protagonist in this story is Robbie Flak, a defense attorney convinced of his client's innocence and hell-bent on getting him off the death row. Among all the characters in the story, I like Flak best not because he's the bida, but because of his interesting personality. He's a tough guy who enjoys filing lawsuits and suing everyone who crosses his path. He's actually funny because he makes a habit out of suing people, which is often pointless and just downright time-consuming. And because even though he's tough on the inside, he's just a big marshmallow when it comes to his client. Lawyers don't get too emotionally attached to their clients, but Flak makes an exception in this story. 

The Confession is an interesting take on the death penalty. We don't have the death penalty in the country anymore, but it's still interesting to look at it from the perspective of a country or a State which implements it. We usually speak of the death penalty in terms of its purpose or its consequences. More often than not, the debate is about whether or not it should be implemented. It's nice to read about something that ponders on what happens if you implement the death penalty, but wrongfully execute an innocent man. It's not a new perspective, but it's a little unexplored compared to the others. Grisham deserves a round of applause for this one. Personally, he was able to make me question the Texas government's policies on punishment, without me even noticing. Cool.

I also love how, with so many characters, I didn't get lost in the story. Usually, I get confused when the author tries to add so many characters into the story, and the said characters turn out to be irrelevant to the plot. Grisham's work isn't like that. Even if there are hundreds of characters in his story, he knows how to shine the limelight on the bigger characters and dim the lights on the smaller ones - just so his readers don't get confused.

The ending wasn't all that spectacular, but everyone got their happily ever after. Like every good book, The Confession will give you that heartbreaking feeling that the story's over so you have to get back to the real world. And it'll make you want to grab another Grisham book. Haha.

So now, my nose is under The Client. And I'll let you know how that works out :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dine In: Kamayan sa Palaisdaan

We had lunch at Kamayan sa Palaisdaan last Sunday. Located in Tayabas, Quezon, it's more or less a 30-minute drive from our house. For years, it's been our go-to place for special occasions or big family gatherings. Well, there wasn't really a big celebration last weekend, but school starts in two weeks and my brother had to go back to Manila for work. So, my parents called my closest aunt and invited her to lunch.

We got there shortly before 12 noon, and surprisingly, the place wasn't packed. We expected lots of people to be there since it was a Sunday. And so, we found seats really fast. 

BUT, it took us a good 20 minutes or so, I think, to order. We tried getting the attention of different waiters so we could place our orders, but everyone was telling us to wait. Funny no, kasi they're the waiters, but they're the ones making us wait. Hindi lang yun. The same thing happened when we asked for the bill after eating. The two-hour lunch could have been cut down to just an hour if the waiters were paying attention. Hay, that's what you call bad service. 

Mama asked one of the waitresses if there was ever an instance wherein some costumers left without paying the bill, and she said yes! Pano ba naman, the customers can sneak out without anyone noticing.

Anyway, enough of the bad vibes or you'll end up thinking that lunch wasn't great. Haha. Like I said, I've been to this place a hundred of times so I knew what to expect. As usual, we went home with happy tummies because the food was really filling. We ordered Ginataang TilapiaInihaw na PorkchopInihaw na Tilapia and Sisig. That's quite enough for a group of six. And for dessert - Naku! You have to try the Pilipit! Pag di ka pa naman natakam sa picture na 'to, ewan ko na lang. Haha.

You can eat using kitchen utensils, but it's much more fun when you eat using your bare hands. Duh, Kamayan sa Palaisdaan nga di ba

Look at all the grilled food!

That's Sisig and Ginataang Tilapia for you :)

Overall, I'd still say that lunch was great. Naman, it's not everyday you get to eat inside a floating kubo while fishes swim around you, di ba? If you're after good food and the perfect nature-ish ambiance, this place is right for you. Never mind the bad service. Just be sure to bring lots of patience when you come by for lunch or dinner. Happy eating!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rockband: Gig sa Taguig

Let's pretend baby... to know how to play pool ;)

Aminin n'yo, witty yung title ng blog post ko. Haha.

These are pictures from last week. One of my closest cousins is getting married soon. And her fiance invited us to his house to play Rockband. That's what you call "getting to know the family". Haha. 

Take a hint, guys :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Nostalgia: Kid Movies

I don't know why exactly, but I've been thinking about my childhood a lot lately. Maybe because I'm currently surrounded by "younger" people - for the nth time, I'm back in UP for two summer courses. It pains me to realize that I'm classmates with "kids" six years younger than me. Pains talaga? Haha. Kasi naman, their student numbers start with 10 or 11. Who wouldn't feel conscious about that? I have to constantly act their age, just so I can blend in. Di bale, young at heart naman ako.  And humor me, I don't look 23 years old. :)

Anyway, thanks to my newfound friends, I've been taking a lot of trips down memory lane. And one of those trips led me to this: FAVORITE 90s FILMS!

When I was still little, Papa would take us to video rental stores. Yes, uso pa ang video rentals non. Torrent downloading was a thing of the faraway future. Think Video City or ACA Video. Oh, the memories.

So, without further ado, here are the ten best movies from my childhood (in no particular order because I can't decide which of them is the best-est):

1. Baby's Day Out (1994)

This is the story of millionaire Baby Bink who got kidnapped or baby-napped. He escaped from his kidnappers, and spent the day touring the city using the pages of a baby book he committed to memory. Even if this movie is just one step closer to being impossible, I say: Go Baby Bink! 

2. Home Alone (1990)

Can you believe this movie was released 22 years ago? Feels like yesterday when Macaulay Culkin was accidentally left at home by his family over Christmas vacation. He was just ten years old then! I wonder how he looks now.

3. Richie Rich (1994)

Hindi naman obvious na I was a Culkin fan. Haha. Culkin looked so much like the cartoon version of Richie Rich; it was like the cartoon was patterned after him. He played the lead role in this film so well. Nainggit ako sa yaman n'ya, for real. Having your own McDonalds was the bomb. Ikaw na. Ikaw na talaga.

4. It Takes Two (1995)

I'm a self-confessed Olsen fan. Mary-Kate and Ashley were adorable as Amanda and Alyssa, as they switched places to experience living each other's lives. I still stop to watch this movie whenever it airs on HBO. 

"It's got to be that can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over-the-fence, World Series kind of stuff..." - Amanda on getting a husband for Diane.

5. Jingle All The Way (1996)

I liked Arnold Schwarzenegger even before I could spell or pronounce his name. As if I can now, without Google-ing it. Haha. This is a story about a father who goes to hell and back just to fulfill his promise to his son of spending Christmas Day with him and getting him the coolest robot in the market. Plus, who doesn't love Christmas movies?

6. The Little Rascals (1994)

You're not a 90s kid if you don't know Alfalfa, Darla, Spanky and Waldo. Naku! Shame on you! Haha. Seriously now, this movie was the best during those times. 'Twas the complete package: love story, action-packed car racing scenes, the unforgettable "dear darla" speech, and the best friend fight!

"Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! Love, Alfalfa" - Buckwheat, as he reads Alfalfa's hate letter to Darla.

7. Matilda (1996)

Where is Mara Wilson now? She was the coolest little telekinetic grade schooler back then. Imagine being able to lift objects and make them fly just by looking at them. That was cool for an eight year old, mind you. Plus, she was able to defeat her terrorist teacher with her "superpowers". Cooler than cool, yo.

8. Once Upon A Forest (1993)

Abigail, Edgar and Russell - a mouse, a mole, and a hedgehog who risked their lives to find a cure for their friend Michelle who was poised by men. Don't be fooled by the cute graphics. This one's a real tearjerker. To friendship!

9. Space Jam (1996)

Because of this film, Michael Jordan is the only basketball player I know. Haha! For an eight year old, the only thing cooler than Matilda is a human being talking to a cartoon. Think Jordan and Bugs Bunny. The soundtrack didn't hurt either. Cue For You I Will and I Believe I Can Fly.

10. The Parent Trap (1998)

Please don't shoot me when I say I actually thought Lindsay Lohan had a twin. I was ten. How was I supposed to know? By the way, the whole twin acting was good ha. Very convincing. And her accent when  she was acting as Annie? Too cute.

There. I hope you liked my list. I'm gonna go download copies of 'em from the Internet. Ciao for now! :)

* All photos and info grabbed from Google Images and

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mommies' Day!

Celebrated Mother's Day a day early. Had dinner at Serye Cafe Filipino and played bowling after. With 76 points, I won 2nd place. Haha! Not a pro; I definitely need more practice.

To my Mom, Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being my blog's number one fan. Haha. No matter what, I'll always be your little angel. I love you more than I can ever express. 

Hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Nostalgia: Video Games

Everyone who reads my blog is probably aware that, for the time being, I'm back to being an undergraduate student in the University of the Philippines - Diliman. And because I lack six units of Filipino, I'm currently taking Panitikan ng Pilipinas 12 under Prof. Vladimeir Gonzales. I have to say that his class is one of the best I've had. I actually hate myself for not enrolling in his class when I was still in college. 

Anyway, we talked about video games earlier today. Video games as literature, to be exact. Surprisingly, his examples included those video games I used to play when I was still a kid. I remember fighting with my younger brother over the joysticks and whose turn it was to play with our Family Computer. Mind you, it was brand new then. *At this point, please stop guessing my age. Haha.*

When I got home this afternoon, I hit Youtube and took screen caps of the video games. Here are a few of those I used to enjoy as a kid:

1. Galaga

I can't remember the exact objective of this game. All I know is that you're supposed to keep firing at those colorful little spaceships. They look more like butterflies to me. My older sister was a pro at this game. Hi Ate! Haha.

2. Hudson's Adventure Island

I was all smiles when I saw this game on my professor's list. Can you believe how cute Hudson is?! And to be honest, I didn't know his name was Hudson until this morning. Again, I can't remember the end goal of this game. This is what I remember: Hudson throws axes on his opponents which include snails and snakes, and he grabs fruits to keep his energy up.

3. Ice Climber

The bida in this game is the cutest! See that Eskimo right there? Di ba, she's so cute?! As the player, you're supposed to make her hit the ice cubes with her little "hammer" and help her jump until she reaches the top of that ice mountain. Before you reach the top, however, there's a bonus stage where you can collect as many eggplants as you can. Yes, you read that right. EGGPLANTS. I agree with my professor who thinks it's senseless to put eggplants on ice mountains.  E ano ba, walang basagan ng trip.

4. The Legend of Kage

This one's a ninja game. Yep, that guy on the lower right picture is a ninja. And he's supposed to save that princess on the upper right picture. This game has old school graphics, like 90s old. But you'll actually enjoy it because of the catchy sound effects, which I can't play here 'cause I don't know how to. Haha. Trust me, this one's an addicting game. Ask my Ate. Again, she's the pro here.

5. Popeye

Who here isn't familiar with Popeye? Who?! Popeye is a popular 80s or 90s figure. He's in love with Olive Oyl and is enemies with Bluto. (I have a confession to make: All this time, I thought his name was Brutus. So shoot me. Haha.) From where she stands, or walks, Olive throws hearts which Popeye has to catch while trying to avoid Bluto. He gets help from the spinach on the side and that pail of water under the platform where Olive is. 

Okay, you can stop guessing now. Yes, I am a 90s kid. 90s kid and proud! Haha. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT a pro in the video games department. In fact, I do a little banana dance whenever I go up another level. And I don't remember finishing any of these games. My siblings were the pros. I was the salimpusa.

Kids these days have PSPs and iPads to play with. But I don't envy them 'cause this blog's proof that the video games of our generation rock!   

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Playing Favorites... Again

I was browsing through my oldest blog site when I came across this post about my favorite movie and television lines and song lyrics. I posted this more than four years ago, so most of the movies, television shows and songs are not that new anymore. And since it's been four years already, I've decided to add new ones to the list. Can you guess the movie, show, and song titles where I got them? :)

  1. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
  2. Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without.
  3. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all.
  4. Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just... Passes you by...
  5. Michael's chasing Kimmy? You're chasing Michael? Who's chasing you... nobody, get it?
  6. Sometimes when you open up to people, you let the bad in with the good.
  7. I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life.
  8. The sun itself sees not until heaven clears
  9. Love is a gift, Alex. Not an obligation.
  10. You erased me from your memory because you thought you were keeping me from living a full and happy life.
  11. What happened between us, everything, the way it is, isn't anyone's fault, Sydney. And even though everything's changed, some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice.
  12. When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed, just remember that you can always... you know. You got my number.
  13. As hard as it is, I would rather feel it than to not feel anything.
  14. No one can hurt you without your consent.
  15. I wanted to know what it felt like to have someone like you look at me the way you did just once.
  16. He's got you on a pedestal and me in his arms.
  17. So you can't text me & you can't email me and you can't write on my wall. Like if you really miss me, you need to grow up and get in your car and come see me.
  18. The whole point of love is to put someone else's needs above your own.
  19. She made you decent, and in return you made her so happy...
  20.  If someone really loves you, then you are a ten. 

  1. I won't be your winter. I won't be anyone's excuse to cry.
  2. Must everything you do make me wanna smile? Can I not like you for a while?
  3. Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive.
  4. How does one walk away... From all of the memories... How do I not miss you when you are gone
  5. God knows even angels fall.
  6. 'Cause my heart won't lie to me, much less to you.
  7. Deep within your heart you know it's time to move on, when the fairy tale that you once knew is gone.
  8. I'll always have the memories... She'll always have you.
  9. If happy ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this.
  10. And every heartache make you stronger, but it won't be much longer. You'll find love. You'll find peace, and the you you're meant to be.
Happy guessing (or searching the Net for answers)! :)